Friday, October 26, 2012


Lately I've been super busy with homework and assignments, so I haven't really had a chance to post anything.... and then now when I wanted to post some pictures from my lovely trip to Helsinki, I don't have my memory card with me, so that will have to wait.

In the meantime, I will share with you a couple of pictures I have seen random places on the internet, which has inspired or fascinated me.

As you can see this picture was actually found on 9gag... I was quite amazed to see something this serious on a page like that. The picture is beautifully made I find, and it "says more than a thousand words"
I find this kinda scary, but yet somehow fascinating
Beautiful street art that makes ordinary objects look amazing
Simple, yet detailed illustrations

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Self portrait

Not long ago, I was going to a party, but actually had a bit of extra time before I had to leave... Therefore I decided to try and photograph myself. This was harder than it seemed! I ended up sitting on the floor (in order to get a white background) with my camera on my desk. I dont have a remote to my camera (yet) so I had to use the self timer. I've been editing these pictures a little bit on the computer, but not much, and I'm actually kinda happy with how they turned out :)
Let me know what you think...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Drops of dew

This time, I think I will more or less let the pictures talk for themselves. Most of the pics are from my morning walk a couple of days ago, which was so good! It was a day devoted to studying, so a bit of fresh air was just what I needed.

The next two pictures are from the kayakclub. I took my camera with me a saturday and came home with more than 600 pictures to sort out... but here are the best ones: