Thursday, November 29, 2012

Self portrait ll

Today I have slept in, it took me half an hour to eat breakfast, I took a loooong shower, did my makeup, snapped some photos of myself and a dress that I sewed and... there's still like 3 hours 'till I have to be at school!!?!
The joy of starting school at 2 p.m. (which happens like once a year). I've really enjoyed my day home alone so far, sometimes it's just all you need to not stress out completely and just catch up with homework and all that.
I'm practicing on the whole taking-pictures-of-myself thing, and I'm slowly getting better at it, so here's some of today's best ones:

Ok, I guess not... my computer and I aren't always good friends, and I couldn't upload them, but here they are on facebook.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Something new...

I'm gonna try something new here on the blog, and post one of my poems. As many of you probably know, I love writing. Most of the times I write short stories, but once in a while I write poems. I'd love to know what you think, and wether you wanna see more of this, or just pics etc.

The background picture is not mine, took it from here
Songs and smells
Speaking of summers
Slowly sailing by
Shimmering in the sun
Foggy autumn forests
Full of fairytales
Fighting the flames
Of fierce farmers
Long lonely days
Laced with last breaths
Lightli remembering
A life full of love
"In times like this I write.
I write when confusion, anger happiness and emotions starts taking over my brain.
I write when I don't know how to deal with what life brings me.
I write poems because it's a way to put emotions wich are hard to describe down on a piece of paper.
Noone is a better listener than a blank page in a notebook, and nothing brings you closer to knowing yourself than grabbing a pen and starting to fill up the blank page."
The poem is from April 2012, and the text above is from September 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Suomi - Helsinki

Yeah ok, it's a couple of weeks ago BUT, better late than never right?
What I'm talking about is my trip to Helsinki in fall break. I went there to visit my finnish "sister"/canadian roommate (Lived with her in Canada).
It was an absolutely awesome trip, and I couldn't have wished for a better way to spent my holiday :)
Instead of blabbering on about how fantastic it all was (ok, maybe not the weather, but everything else) I'll just show some pics :)

We were at the finnish national library, and found some really old books. This one was a danish lexicon, and I found the town where I live... back when it was a farm and fields :)

This was a little very modern and minimalistic chapel, placed right next to a shopping center

We spent HOURS in this awesome thrift store - and found many good stuff

In "Kiasm" the finnish museum for contemporary art

We went to Talinn (Estonia) one day - it was an absolutely beautiful city, with so many old buildings. These following pictures are from a little cozy café with a kinda midieval feel to it.

After several days of raind and gray weather in Helsinki, it was nice to get a bit of sun!

Enjoying our delicious (and surprisingly cheap) dinner at one of  Talinns best recommended resteaurants